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Optimal allocation of resources


Because the equality, competitiveness, legality and openness of the market economy are essentially determined by the objective law of the commodity economy, that is, the law of value, the market economy is generally The characteristics are inherent in the market economy itself, not imposed by human subjective will. The market economy is a socialized commodity economy. It is an economy in which the market plays a fundamental role in the allocation of resources. Therefore, there is no problem of surnamed "community" or "capital". It is a common feature of market economy under various social conditions. The superiority of the market economy-the market economy is an effective form of realizing the optimal allocation of resources. For example, if the same batch of iron ore is used by an advanced steel mill, the utilization rate is 90%, while some backward steel mills can only use 60%. Everyone thinks, who should be used? Obviously, the utilization rate should be used. Used by high advanced steel mills. In terms of hiring people, if three people can complete a job, five people are not needed.


The optimal allocation of resources refers to the use of resources that can bring about high efficiency. The optimization of the use and arrangement of resources such as technology and information also includes the optimization of the allocation of human, financial, and material resources within the social scope. It is often referred to as "labor optimization organization", "improvement of business management", "distribution of laid-offs, and reduction of employees. "Enhancing efficiency" and so on belong to the category of optimal allocation of resources. Whether the allocation of resources is optimized, the standard is mainly to see whether the use of resources has brought about high production efficiency and a substantial increase in the economic benefits of the enterprise. The competition mechanism of the survival of the fittest in the market will inevitably lead to the bankruptcy of some enterprises. Generally speaking, those inferior companies in the same industry with low technological level, low production efficiency, and poor economic benefits will be eliminated because their products and services lack market competitiveness. Therefore, from the perspective of resource use, in the final analysis, it depends on whether high efficiency and high benefit of production can be achieved.

The optimal allocation of resources mainly depends on the market approach. Because the market economy has the characteristics and advantages of equality, competition, legality and development, it can spontaneously realize the benefits to commodity producers and operators. The choice of survival of the fittest has prompted commodity producers and operators to achieve internal optimal allocation, adjust the concentration of social resources to optimally allocated enterprises, and then achieve an optimal allocation of social resources. Therefore, the market economy is an effective way to achieve optimal allocation of resources.

Due to the limited role of market regulation, market regulation has weaknesses such as spontaneity, blindness, and hysteresis. Therefore, the total balance of supply and demand required for social production and reproduction, economic and social Sustained development, social and public environment, etc., will inevitably be achieved by the state's macro-control. In an enterprise, the rational use of departmental or regional resources is mainly achieved through market channels. This competition mechanism of survival of the fittest urges enterprises to improve technology, improve business management, increase labor productivity, reduce production costs, increase economic efficiency, and achieve optimal allocation of resources. At the same time, it also promotes enterprises to organize production facing the market, optimize the asset structure, and form a reasonable innovation mechanism, so as to realize the reasonable allocation of resources within the micro enterprise, department or region.

The optimal allocation of resources is based on reasonable allocation, the sustainable development of the economy and society, and the coordinated development of the entire social economy. The production process of human society is the process of using resources and realizing resource allocation. Due to the limited nature of resources, the increase of resources invested in the production of a certain product will inevitably lead to a decrease in the resources invested in the production of other products. Therefore, people are forced to choose more alternative ways of using resources. The best one, in order to achieve the highest efficiency of society and the greatest satisfaction of the interests of consumers, enterprises and society. In this sense, the development process of human society is a process in which people continue to pursue the optimal allocation of resources, strive to make full use of limited resources, and maximize their survival and development needs. In a market economy, the market generally maintains an appropriate proportional relationship between the means of production and labor in various sectors of society. National macro-control is formulating strategic goals for national economic and social development, and doing a good job in economic development planning and total control. From the perspective of the development of the whole society, the purpose of major structures and major productive forces is to ensure the smooth progress of social production and to ensure that limited resources can be used to the maximum.


①The allocation of resources among different industrial sectors; ②The allocation of resources among enterprises within an industry sector; ③The optimal use of resources within an enterprise ④Resources are allocated among different economic components. Among them, the market plays a fundamental role in resource allocation.


For the market to fully realize the function of optimal allocation of resources, the following conditions must be met:

⒈Completely free competition in a market environment;

⒉Assumption of rational economic man;

⒊Completely free market choice;

⒋It is completely regulated by the law of value;

⒌ Dominated by the same rule;

⒍True the survival of the fittest;

⒎At the same time, it is also restricted by time and space (environmental) conditions:

Any subject in any "market" Any market behavior or resource allocation behavior in China is carried out under certain time and space (environmental) conditions. Especially in the era of economic globalization, the market's competition subjects, transaction subjects, management subjects, and intermediary service subjects are all under certain time and space conditions. In many cases, the subjects belong to different countries and regions. The changes in the space where these market entities are located will directly affect the changes in the social system and legal environment, thereby affecting the changes in market rules. Moreover, the occurrence of any market behavior and its impact on resource allocation requires a time development process, which cannot be completed in an instant. Therefore, it will inevitably be subject to different political, economic, and social conditions under different time and space (environmental) conditions. Restrictions and influences of various conditions. And any changes in these conditions (the so-called "butterfly effect") will also cause changes to the above six conditions, and the impact of such changes on the "resource allocation" is not necessarily "optimized", but may also be "deteriorated." Therefore, the regulation function of the so-called "market mechanism" fails.

Positive effect

The way of resource allocation based on market operation mechanism. In this way, enterprises can have direct contact with the market. Enterprises can realize the reasonable allocation of production factors in the competition according to the changes of supply and demand relations in the market and the information of product prices in the market. The essence of market regulation is regulation of the law of value. The law of value regulates the social labor distribution ratio through price, supply and demand, and competition. It is an "invisible hand" adjustment. As Engels said: "Only through the fluctuation of competition and therefore the fluctuation of commodity prices, can the law of value of commodity production be implemented, and the necessary labor time of the society determines the value of commodities, and this can become a reality."

Resources Optimal configuration has the following positive effects:

⒈Promote the progress of science and technology and management, and promote the improvement of labor efficiency

As the main body of the market, enterprises engage in production and operation activities with the goal of maximizing profits. In order for an enterprise to make product prices competitive and maximize profits, it must make the individual labor time of its own production of goods, that is, the individual value, lower than the socially necessary labor time, that is, the social value. Under the influence of competition, enterprises with high labor productivity and low individual value are in an active position in the competition and can sell products at a price higher than the individual value in order to obtain higher income. On the contrary, enterprises with lower labor productivity and higher individual value are in a passive position in the competition, and may sell products at prices lower than their individual value, earning less income and even losing money. In this way, as the main body of the market, under the regulation of the market mechanism, the enterprise will actively adopt advanced science and technology, improve management, and improve labor productivity under the regulation of the market mechanism, thereby driving the rapid development of social productivity.

⒉Guide companies to optimize the combination of production factors according to market needs and realize the connection between production and demand

As the receivers of market regulation signals, companies mainly understand market supply and demand conditions through market price fluctuations , And accordingly arrange and adjust the direction, variety, quantity and scale of production and operation, and carry out the combination of production factors. When the price of a certain commodity rises, it means that the commodity is in short supply on the market, and the enterprise will automatically expand the scale of production and operation. Conversely, if the price of a certain commodity falls, it indicates that the supply of that commodity is oversupply in the market, and the enterprise will reduce the scale of production, or adjust the direction of operation, and switch to producing other commodities. The market is the "life" of an enterprise, and it is related to the effectiveness of business operations and the development of the enterprise. Therefore, market-oriented production and operation is an inherent requirement for enterprise development.

3. Give full play to competition and the survival of the fittest mechanism to enhance the ability of commodity production and operation

Enterprises engaged in commodity production and operation will inevitably launch fierce competition for market share. Competition uses external coercive force to force enterprises to strengthen management in production and operation, reduce costs, and improve efficiency; to encourage enterprises to operate independently, take responsibility for their own profits and losses, self-accumulation and self-development in the market; to promote enterprises to enhance their sense of innovation and forge ahead vitality.

Application category

Take the two most important and basic elements in national economic development: land resources and water resources as examples:

Optimal allocation of land resources

Land is the material basis for the survival and development of human society. In the process of sustainable social and economic development, land resources are an important foundation and fundamental guarantee. With the continuous development of the economy and the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, the non-agriculturalization of land and the deterioration of the land ecological environment have weakened the resource base for sustainable agricultural development, and the realization of sustainable land use has become a very important issue.

The optimal allocation of land resources refers to the reasonable allocation of a certain amount of land resources in order to achieve certain social, economic and ecological goals, according to the characteristics of the land, the use of certain science and technology and management methods, and the realization of land resources. Sustainable use. Optimal allocation of land resources is an important way for sustainable land use and an important guarantee for the sustainable development of the national economy. Scientific, reasonable and effective land use methods are an important aspect of alleviating resource, population, and environmental problems.

The optimal allocation of land resources is a complex system engineering, a multi-objective, multi-level continuous fitting and decision-making process, mainly by constructing an optimal allocation model of land resources, and adopting a variety of multidisciplinary methodologies. , Including dynamic simulation, mathematical planning, system dynamics, engineering and other theories and methods to carry out research on the optimal allocation of land resources.

Optimized allocation of water resources

Optimized allocation of water resources refers to the simultaneous implementation of engineering and non-engineering measures in a specific river basin or region, and scientific and reasonable water resources of limited different forms The ultimate goal of the distribution of water resources is to realize the sustainable use of water resources and ensure the coordinated development of social economy, resources, and ecological environment. The essence of the optimal allocation of water resources is to improve the efficiency of water allocation. On the one hand, it is to improve the efficiency of water distribution and reasonably solve the problem of water competition among various departments and industries (including environmental and ecological water use). Statistics show that, no matter from the time course or the horizontal comparison of different countries, with the improvement of social and economic development, agricultural water will be largely replaced by industrial and domestic water. On the other hand, it is to improve the efficiency of water use and promote efficient water use within various departments or industries.

The optimal allocation of water resources includes two aspects: water demand management and water supply management. In terms of water demand, by adjusting the industrial structure and adjusting the layout of productive forces, we will actively develop high-efficiency water-saving industries to curb the growth of water demand to adapt to the more unfavorable water resources conditions. In terms of water supply, it is to coordinate the competitive water use of various units, strengthen management, and through engineering measures to change the passive situation that the natural spatial and temporal distribution of water resources are not compatible with the distribution of productivity.

The difference between the two

First, the basic connotation is different. Resource optimization refers to the use of resources that can bring high efficiency, and its focus is on "optimization", which includes both The optimization of the use and arrangement of human, financial, material, technology, information and other resources within the enterprise, as well as the optimization of the allocation of human, financial, and material resources within the society. People often call the "labor optimization organization", "improve the enterprise" "Operation and management", "distribution of laid-offs, reduction of staff to increase efficiency", etc., are mainly from this perspective. The reasonable allocation of resources refers to the effective use of resources that meet the needs of social production and life, and its focus is on "effectiveness." Useful". From a micro point of view, the effective capital investment direction, asset structure, and product innovation mechanism within the enterprise can achieve the rationalization of resource allocation; from a macro point of view, it mainly means that the arrangement of resources can sustainably satisfy all sectors of society In the current economic activities, maintain the basic balance of total economic volume, adjust the industrial structure, strategic adjustment of the state-owned economic layout, strategic reorganization of state-owned enterprises, and prevent unreasonable duplication of construction , The implementation of the re-employment project and the social security project, the implementation of the western development strategy, etc., are mainly from the rationalization of resource allocation and effectiveness.

Second, the measurement standards are different. Resources Whether the configuration is optimized or not, the standard is mainly to see whether the use of resources has brought about the high efficiency of production and the substantial increase in the economic benefits of the enterprise. The competition mechanism of the survival of the fittest in the market will inevitably lead to the bankruptcy of some enterprises. Generally speaking, those in the same Inferior companies in the industry with low technological level, low production efficiency, and poor economic benefits will be eliminated because their products and services lack market competitiveness. Therefore, from the perspective of resource use, it depends on whether production is achieved in the final analysis. High efficiency and high benefit. Whether the allocation of resources is reasonable is mainly whether the use of resources meets the needs of social production and life. In the past, the large and complete organizational structure of state-owned enterprises in China, the small and complete repeated construction, the resource allocation is unreasonable This not only caused a serious waste of resources, but also caused a low degree of specialization in production, a small economic scale, lack of competitiveness, and could not adapt to the development of the market economy at all. The water and soil erosion in the western region in the use of resources in China, the reduction of arable land, and the The widening of the economic gap between the ministries is not conducive to the sustainable development of the economy and society and the realization of socialist common prosperity.

Third, the way to achieve this is different. The optimal allocation of resources mainly relies on market channels, while the rational allocation of resources relies on both the market and the state’s macro-control. Because the market economy has the characteristics and advantages of equality, competition, legality, and development, it can spontaneously Realize the choice of the survival of the fittest for commodity producers and operators, prompt commodity producers and operators to achieve internal optimal allocation, adjust the concentration of social resources to optimally allocated enterprises, and then realize the optimal allocation of social resources. Therefore, the market economy is An effective form to realize the optimal allocation of resources. Due to the limited role of market regulation and the weaknesses of market regulation such as spontaneity, blindness, and hysteresis, the total balance of supply and demand required for social production and reproduction, economic and social feasibility Sustained development, the social public environment, etc., must be achieved by the state's macro-control. The rational use of resources within enterprises, departments or regions is mainly achieved by market channels. The competition mechanism of survival of the fittest urges enterprises to improve technology and improve operations Management, improve labor productivity, reduce production costs, improve economic efficiency, and achieve optimal allocation of resources. At the same time, it also promotes enterprises to organize production for the market, optimize asset structure, and form a reasonable innovation mechanism, so as to be within the scope of micro enterprises, departments or regions. Realize the reasonable allocation of resources. For this reason, market means can realize both the reasonable allocation of resources and the optimal allocation of resources. This is why people often combine optimal allocation of resources with reasonable allocation when talking about resource allocation under market economy conditions. The reason for using it.

The connection between the two

The allocation of resources is a major economic problem faced by any society based on the division of labor. As two gestures of resources, under the conditions of a market economy, resources The optimized configuration and reasonable configuration are closely related.

First of all, reasonable allocation is a prerequisite for optimized allocation. The entire social production is a complex system constructed by various departments, which requires the allocation of human, financial, material and other resources in each department to maintain a certain proportion. Only when proportionality is coordinated can social reproduction proceed smoothly. Under China's planned economic system, blind construction and repeated construction that ignore the role of the law of value cause waste and destruction of resources. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to talk about the optimal allocation of resources. Under the conditions of a market economy, if the product structure, industrial structure, and other economic structures are unreasonable, not only the inferior but also those with certain advantages will be eliminated, and some powerful companies may also be cut off from the overall economy of the country. Therefore, the optimal allocation of resources is based on reasonable allocation, the sustainable development of the economy and society, and the coordinated development of the entire social economy.

Secondly, optimal allocation is the ultimate goal of reasonable allocation. The production process of human society is the process of using resources to achieve resource allocation. Due to the limited resources, the resources invested in the production of a certain product increase It will inevitably lead to the reduction of this kind of resources invested in the production of other products. Therefore, people are forced to choose the better one among a variety of alternative resource use methods in order to achieve the highest social efficiency and consumers, enterprises and enterprises. The greatest satisfaction of social interests. In this sense, the development process of human society is a process in which people continue to pursue the optimal allocation of resources, strive to make full use of limited resources, and maximize their survival and development needs. In the market In the economy, the market generally maintains an appropriate proportional relationship between the means of production and labor in various sectors of society. The national macro-control is formulating the strategic goals of national economic and social development, doing a good job in economic development planning and total control, and major structures. From the perspective of the development of the whole society, its purpose is to ensure the smooth progress of social production and to ensure the maximum use of limited resources.

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