Domov Digitální život Chcete, aby byla baterie vašeho gadgetu zdravá? Zde je postup

Chcete, aby byla baterie vašeho gadgetu zdravá? Zde je postup

A terrific tool in your arsenal is a smartphone or any other technology. You can undoubtedly use all its benefits, whether a tablet, laptop, or another battery-powered device. Additionally, it's a terrific approach to make your life easier. Pokud však své zařízení neustále nabíjíte, což způsobuje, že se jeho výdrž baterie prudce snižuje, je to neuvěřitelně obtěžující a frustrující. But fear not, as a solution to this issue is still possible. ján this article, we'll explain the simplest approach to make the battery in your device live longer.

Want To Keep Your Gadget's Battery Healthy? Here's How

4 Things to Keep Your Device's Battery Healthy

Uklidni se

Many people don't pay much attention to this, but one of the most remarkable ways to prolong the life of your device's battery is to keep it cold. Most of the time, we forget that excessive use completely drains this portion of our phone, and we also tend to heat it as much as possible before plugging in the charger. ját is a resounding nay for any modern technology. At all costs, keep your electronic devices cool if you want long battery life. Additionally, it's crucial to keep your electronics in a hot location. Like how you take good care of your possessions, you shouldn't leave them out in the sun or on heated surfaces.

Dodržujte nabíjecí pravidlo 40/80

já když to nemusí znít lákavě, měli byste tuto záležitost zvážit, například pravidlo 40/80. Konkrétněji odkazuje na baterie na bázi niklu, když říká, že je třeba udržovat nabití mezi 40 % a 80 %. já když se říká, že toto pravidlo neplatí pro novější lithium-iontové baterie, je to stále skvělé pravidlo, které je snadné dodržovat. Chcete-li co nejvíce prodloužit jeho životnost, mějte ho tam, kdykoli je to možné. Navíc jej ponechejte zapojený pouze v případě, že chcete dosáhnout 100 %. Ačkoli to většina lidí dělá, poškodí to také zdraví vaší baterie. Použijte něco, abyste zabránili nabíjení po dokončení, pokud jej potřebujete nastavit přes noc.

Vyhněte se používání drahý Rychlonabíječky

You may believe that a quick charger is the most excellent solution for an urgent necessity, but you may be harming your smartphone. You should avoid using these, especially those automobile chargers, as they could damage your electronic devices, including your iPads, new huawei watch d, power banks, mobile phones, and more. Technically, having these chargers will result in increased heat, which will cause harm. These days, many of the idrahý chargers available on eBay are known for destroying batteries, so even though you might believe you are saving money, you are damaging your batteries in the long run. Use only a charger that charges the phone more slowly, or better yet use the phone's charger.

Nevybíjejte zařízení úplně

Want To Keep Your Gadget's Battery Healthy? Here's How

You could believe that all batteries are created equal, but we might prove you wrong. You should always partially discharge a lithium-ion battery, unlike Ni-Cad batteries, when taking good care of your device's battery life. The battery is over and cannot be recharged once the charge falls too low. Thankfully, lithium-ion batteries feature a mechanism that stops the battery from going too low, albeit occasionally breaking down. The conclusion is that you should feel free to plug or disconnect your charger whenever you choose. Lithium-ion batteries have no memory effect, but keeping them discharged once a month helps preserve their health.

Sečteno a podtrženo

Dodržování těchto pokynů vám postupně zjednoduší život prodloužením životnosti baterie vašich elektronických zařízení. Je na nás, abychom se o naše vybavení dobře starali.

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