Home технология Revolutions per minute

Revolutions per minute


English rpm, all written in Revolution(s) Per Minute

Application Introduction


Motors, engines, and disc drives (such as: Optical disc drives, hard disks, etc.), if a motor's manual shows that it has a speed of 3,600 rpm, it means that the motor can rotate 3,600 revolutions per minute, which is about 60 revolutions per second. In addition, if the engine’s manual states that the engine speed limit is 4,500 rpm, if the engine speed exceeds this limit, it will be called "over-revolution". Over-revolution is dangerous. In the slightest, the engine temperature will increase. If the engine is damaged, the related systems related to the engine are all malfunctioning, and may even endanger related personnel (such as the over-rotation of the car's engine, which may endanger the driver and passengers).


It is worth noting that rpm uses minutes as the time base unit, but in recent years there are more and more precision rotating and precision speed motors, and the unit is Early technology is not advanced enough. When the number of revolutions per second is not stable (for example: 590 revolutions in one second, 611 revolutions in the next second), so the minute is the benchmark unit of measurement. The unit needs to be per second, especially for motors that require precise control of the number of rotations.

Unit conversion

The direct meaning of rpm is converted to r/min (revolution per minute), 1rpm=1 r/min b> = 2π rad / 60 s = 0.1047... rad s

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