Home технология Modern logic design

Modern logic design

About the author

Randy H.Kata, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, and Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Fellow of ACM and IEEE, his research on computer system design and implementation is second to none. Because of his outstanding contributions, UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation) allocated special funds to support him in electrical engineering and computer science research. Professor Katz's recent research directions are wireless communications, mobile computing applications, distributed collaboration technologies, and video storage systems.


In the 10 years since the publication of the first edition of this book, digital design technology has been continuously evolving. The first edition of this book focuses on the basic content, concepts and methods of digital logic design, and combines the current development of digital design technology, updates the corresponding hardware technology, and adds the latest knowledge of programmable logic technology. The design tool of electronic design automation is introduced, and some typical design examples are described by using the hardware description language Verilog which is currently dominant in digital logic design.

The first edition of this book keeps the focus on the basic content, concepts and methods of digital logic design, and combines the current development of digital design technology, updates the corresponding hardware technology, and adds the latest The knowledge of programming logic technology has also introduced design tools for electronic design automation. By using the current dominant hardware description language Verilog in digital logic design, some typical design examples are described to help readers and engineers use the hardware description language to make changes. In-depth digital system design. The book is divided into three parts: Chapter 1 is an overall overview of logic design; Chapters 2 to 5 cover the content of combinatorial logic; Chapters 6 to 10 are introductions to temporal logic.

The book has a reasonable structure, clearly defines concepts, technologies, tools and practical problems, provides a large number of design examples, and uses these examples to clearly discuss design experience and rules. This book is very suitable as a teaching material for digital logic design courses in colleges and universities, and can also be used as a reference book for engineering and technical personnel engaged in digital logic design.


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 A careful analysis of book titles

1.2 A brief history of logical design

< p>1.3 Calculation

1.4 Examples


In-depth reading


Chapter 2 Combination Logic

2.1 The output is a function of the input

2.2 The laws and theorems of Boolean logic

2.3 The realization of the Boolean formula

2.4 Two-level logic

2.5 Two-level simplification motivation

2.6 Multi-level logic

2.7 Multi-level simplest motivation


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Chapter 3 Combinational Logic Analysis

3.1 Two-level Simplification

3.2 Two-level Simplified Automation

3.3 Multi-level simplification

3.4 Multi-level simplification automation

3.5 Time response of combined network

3.6 Hardware description language



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Chapter 4 Combinatorial Logic Technology

4.1 History

< p>4.2 Basic logic elements

4.3 Two-level and multi-level logic

4.4 Other logics that are not gate circuits


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Chapter 5 Case Study of Combinatorial Logic Design

5.1 Design Process

5.2 Simple Process Wire Control Problem< /p>

5.3 Telephone keyboard decoder

5.4 Leap year calculator

5.5 Logical function unit

5.6 Adder design

< p>5.7 Arithmetic and logic unit design

5.8 Combination multiplier


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Chapter 6 Timing Logic Design

6.1 Basic Timing Logic Unit

6.2 Timing Design Methodology

6.3 Register

6.4 Hardware Description Language


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Chapter 7 Finite State Machine

7.1 Counter

Chapter 8 Analysis of Finite State Machines

Chapter 9 Sequential Logic Technology

Chapter 10 Case Study of Sequential Logic Design

Appendix A Number System

Appendix B Basic Electronic Circuits

Appendix C Trigger Types

Index< /p>

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